We’ve made a list of convenient steps for you to stay on top of your claims.
Many people are disappointed when they claim from their Home Insurance Policy. With many asking what could they have done.
Below are some of the most common reasons for claims being rejected:
Gutters and valleys are full of leaves and dirt not allowing the rain to flow off the roof.
Ridges especially clay tiled roof that have shifted and the cement between them has fallen out leaving gaps for rain to penetrate and damage interiors.
Badly planned alteration that alters the pitch of roof the water backs up at the change of pitch and leaks into house interiors.
Flat roof that has not been maintained properly and the torch on cracks and should be replaced every 5 years.
Aluminium paint over "torch on" must be renewed every 2 years. The paint prevents the "torch on" from cracking.
Level of paving sloping towards the garage/house door with no allowance for drainage away from property.
Upstairs patio with badly levelled tiles or small drainage. Rain fills up like a swimming pool and flows under the door into the house.
Sprinklers pointing at the house causing moisture to collect on the inside of the wall and cause the paint to crack.
Boundary walls that are built to the correct specifications are:
Above 1.5m must be a double wall. Pillars every 2.8m. Every 2nd pillar to be double and separated by soft board.
Damp proof course must be included and top of wall waterproofed.
Call us for an inspection.